Rposborne's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1398295countriesAll sorts of useful information about every country packaged as pretty little country o...
22,5602,335wkhtmltopdf-herokuThis gem provides a wkhtmltopdf binary and configures wisepdf, wicked_pdf, and pdfkit f...
39,7016,554qbwcA Rails interface for Intuit's Quickbooks Web Connector that's OPEN SOURCE!
439,68986,038newline_hwQuickly Clone and setup basic ruby and JS projects.
540,37286,038wpcapA Tool to Setup, Maintain, and Deploy Capistrano Driven Wordpress Sites
642,05686,038gitwakatimeA Tool that will compile git data with wakatime data to establi...
761,48186,038tape_measureContains a text parser for converting various measurements into a base unit, as well as...
863,04442,025wakatimeAn unofficial ruby gem for accessing Wakatime records
997,89786,038ectd_checkA simple command line tool to check and repair md5 hashes based upon the FDA eCTD speci...
10115,08586,038bp_obfuscateA simple wrapper to Open ssl to easily encrypt/obfuscate data.
11121,44986,038tiyo_hwQuickly Clone and setup basic ruby and JS projects.
12157,74486,038gitquickbooksBill Away to the clients