Jarijokinen's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
129,11986,038active_applicationApplication framework for Rails
244,43342,025simple_resourceSimpleResource speeds up development of standard Rails applications by integrating Inhe...
389,29286,038power_resourcePower up RESTful resources!
498,37342,025html5-beautifierHTML5 Beautifier for Ruby
5104,15386,038noa-coreCore functionality for Noa
6104,49486,038noa-developerDeveloper module for Noa
7105,11086,038noa-resourceResource module for Noa
8124,95753,556devise-formtasticFormtastic form builder for Devise with some extra features like full I18n support and ...
9139,15486,038noaWeb application framework for Ruby on Rails
10139,63586,038noa-layoutLayout module for Noa