1 | 2,034 | 2,061 | validates_email_format_of | Validate email addresses against RFC 2822 and RFC 3696. |
2 | 2,405 | 2,701 | capistrano-passenger | Passenger support for Capistrano 3.x |
3 | 11,264 | 20,172 | arelastic | Build Elastic Search queries with objects |
4 | 11,375 | 10,584 | active_record-postgres-constraints | From http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_migrations.html#types-of-schema-du... |
5 | 19,408 | 51,488 | superstore | ActiveModel-based JSONB document store |
6 | 20,946 | 32,595 | mblox | Send SMS messages |
7 | 24,114 | 11,391 | server_health_check | Health check for web apps checking things like active record, redis, and AWS. |
8 | 35,119 | 129,735 | osm-rubocop | OnSite Ruby coding conventions. |
9 | 49,212 | 51,488 | summer_residents | = SummerResidents
Documentation intentionally omitted. |
10 | 66,060 | 129,735 | social_count | Want to know how popular you are? This gem helps you look up how many Facebook friends... |
11 | 68,121 | 129,735 | nmi_direct_post | Gem that encapsulates the NMI Direct Post API in an ActiveRecord-like syntax |
12 | 71,590 | 129,735 | openmarket | Send SMS messages using the OpenMarket API |
13 | 88,861 | 51,488 | cell_force | Send SMS messages using the CellForce API |
14 | 114,566 | 129,735 | sms_validation | Validate the phone number and content of an SMS Message. This gem does not send SMS me... |
15 | 116,985 | 51,488 | another_uploader | = AnotherUploader
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE. |
16 | 128,869 | 129,735 | rspec-preconditions | Sometimes every example in an RSpec example group fails because of a bug
in the b... |
17 | 129,315 | 51,488 | fresh-auth | # Fresh::Auth
This gem makes it really, REALLY easy to use the Freshbooks API. It cou... |
18 | 130,346 | 51,488 | hebcal | # HebCal
Determines the date of Passover for a Gregorian year. Also includes boolean f... |
19 | 141,884 | 51,488 | has_unique_three_letter_code | Assigns a case-insensitive unique three-letter code to each record in a scope, based lo... |
20 | 146,147 | 51,488 | birthday_integer | I must tell you the truth: Your birthday is not a date. It is an integer. |
21 | 168,087 | 129,735 | sass-rails-query_string_and_anchor_fix | Support sass-rails 3.x asset helper functions for URLs that contain query string and an... |