Johnkoht's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
129,28553,556assetableDead simple asset uploader attachments for your active record models
239,98216,361mina-slackSlack web hook from mina
341,11286,038responsive_imagesA responsive image gem for Rails and Carrierwave
442,37686,038simple_flash_helperSimple Flash Helper and Front-end Utilities
549,89186,038frontieFront-end Utilities for your Rails Applications
675,27686,038cache_money_millionaireRails ActiveRecord Query Caching like a Millionaire
778,87186,038font_awesome_rails_sassFont-Awesome Sassified
898,41635,920json_serializerJSON serialization for active record models
9102,13086,038zurb-inkZurb Ink for the asset pipeline
10109,48053,556primordialSimple, standard and elegant CSS structures based on Bootstrap3
11110,63642,025manhattan-sassA powerful, mobile-first responsive framework built on Bourbon Neat.
12131,86453,556bootstrap_sass_railsBootstrap Sass for Rails Asset Pipeline
13149,19286,038middleman-routerA simple router for Middleman projets, inspired by the Rails router