1 | 29,247 | 21,532 | jara | Jara is a tool for building artifacts from a Git
repository, and... |
2 | 33,206 | 18,351 | kafka-jars | Gem package of Apache Kafka JARs |
3 | 34,012 | 86,038 | tara | Tara packs your Ruby app into a standalone archive with gems and a Ruby runtime |
4 | 37,963 | 86,038 | metrics-core-jars | Gem package of Dropwizard\'s Metrics, a.k.a. Coda Hale\'s Metrics, a.k.a. Yammer\'s Met... |
5 | 43,838 | 20,749 | kafka-clients-jars | Apache Kafka client jars |
6 | 52,323 | 24,968 | log4j-jars | Log4j jars |
7 | 59,118 | 53,556 | scala-library-jars | Scala Library JARs from http://scala-lang.org |
8 | 62,932 | 28,793 | heller | Attempts to make Kafka's Java API a bit more Rubyesque |
9 | 67,648 | 86,038 | cottus | HTTP client for making requests against a set of hosts |
10 | 91,322 | 42,025 | lz4-jars | LZ4 jars |
11 | 95,015 | 31,663 | lester | Let's Encrypt certificate renewer for sites hosted on S3 |
12 | 104,735 | 86,038 | erforscher | Poor man's service discovery tool using AWS EC2 APIs |
13 | 114,422 | 86,038 | zkclient-jars | Gem package of zkclient |
14 | 122,859 | 86,038 | berkeley-db-java-jars | Oracle Berkeley DB Java Edition JARs |
15 | 134,342 | 53,556 | jopt-simple-jars | Gem package of JOpt Simple |
16 | 135,614 | 86,038 | bluster | Bluster is a thin JRuby wrapper for Ordasity |
17 | 137,187 | 86,038 | audiothority | Small utility for finding inconsistencies among audio files organized in "album" direct... |
18 | 143,767 | 53,556 | ordasity-jars | Ordasity JARs |
19 | 149,705 | 53,556 | my_episodes | Export history from myepisodes.com |
20 | 154,540 | 86,038 | rbk | Clones and uploads an organization's GitHub repositories to S3 |