Mthssdrbrg's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
128,56395,592jaraJara is a tool for building artifacts from a Git repository, and...
232,69195,592kafka-jarsGem package of Apache Kafka JARs
333,33295,592taraTara packs your Ruby app into a standalone archive with gems and a Ruby runtime
436,98695,592metrics-core-jarsGem package of Dropwizard\'s Metrics, a.k.a. Coda Hale\'s Metrics, a.k.a. Yammer\'s Met...
543,39395,592kafka-clients-jarsApache Kafka client jars
651,62595,592log4j-jarsLog4j jars
757,93395,592scala-library-jarsScala Library JARs from
862,10495,592hellerAttempts to make Kafka's Java API a bit more Rubyesque
966,80595,592cottusHTTP client for making requests against a set of hosts
1089,96962,540lz4-jarsLZ4 jars
1194,41595,592lesterLet's Encrypt certificate renewer for sites hosted on S3
12103,81595,592erforscherPoor man's service discovery tool using AWS EC2 APIs
13113,24238,445zkclient-jarsGem package of zkclient
14121,39762,540berkeley-db-java-jarsOracle Berkeley DB Java Edition JARs
15132,63095,592jopt-simple-jarsGem package of JOpt Simple
16134,03195,592blusterBluster is a thin JRuby wrapper for Ordasity
17136,11562,540audiothoritySmall utility for finding inconsistencies among audio files organized in "album" direct...
18142,10895,592ordasity-jarsOrdasity JARs
19148,43338,445my_episodesExport history from
20154,04295,592rbkClones and uploads an organization's GitHub repositories to S3