Jonathanchrisp's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,07029,456bwapiA Ruby wrapper for the Brandwatch API
217,32661,367cukesparseA simple command line parser to pass arguments into Cucumber
318,18661,367brakeA Cucumber options parser wrapper for Rake, because, cake was already taken!
447,88361,367bw_status_board_apiA Ruby wrapper for the Brandwatch Status Board
553,15861,367fredapiA Ruby wrapper for the FRED API
663,59461,367bwcliA CLI interface to interact with the Brandwatch v2 API
774,00261,367yard-sftpMove your new shiny documentation to a remote location with SFTP
875,12261,367blippex_apiA ruby wrapper for the blippex search engine API made bythe people, forthe people
983,20061,367kickjackAn automation framework to help people automate their application using capybara, cucum...