1 | 11,854 | 19,502 | riot | An extremely fast, expressive, and context-driven unit-testing framework. A replacement... |
2 | 13,861 | 57,505 | Rack | Rack generates racks |
3 | 20,367 | 57,505 | javagems | Provides gem-esque support to Java |
4 | 20,424 | 30,732 | whyvalidationssuckin96 | A library for setting up model validations, such as in ActiveRecord. |
5 | 25,989 | 30,732 | xpcomcore-rubygem | Gem to allow for using XPCOMCore via RubyGems |
6 | 32,352 | 22,984 | riot-mongoid | A collection of assertion macros for testing Mongoid with Riot |
7 | 44,841 | 57,505 | jsdoc-toolkit | RubyGem packaged version of jsdoc-toolkit with extra rake tasks for automating doc gene... |
8 | 53,977 | 57,505 | xultestrunner | XUL based test runner for running your JS unit tests. |
9 | 63,719 | 57,505 | smack | Needle is too complex. Here's DI for dummies. |
10 | 86,824 | 57,505 | enterprisifier | ENTERPRISE |
11 | 90,660 | 22,984 | kennedy | Kennedy is out for Castronaut. A simple single-sign-on client and server library. |
12 | 93,337 | 57,505 | validation-mirror | Adds basic reflection support to ActiveRecord validations |
13 | 94,127 | 30,732 | riot-js | JS version of the Riot testing framework |
14 | 115,043 | 22,984 | gabrielg-vlad | Vlad the Deployer is pragmatic application deployment automation,
without mercy. Much l... |
15 | 115,329 | 57,505 | clojure | A JavaGem-ized version of Clojure |
16 | 119,626 | 57,505 | faker-obscenity | Extends Faker to support #?*($ |
17 | 122,689 | 57,505 | mongoid_pk_factory | Allows for using a primary key factory other than the default in Mongoid |
18 | 125,996 | 57,505 | watertower | Ruby and XUL based web application server framework. |
19 | 126,382 | 57,505 | riotjs-xpcc | JS version of the Riot testing framework |