Gabrielg's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,85419,502riotAn extremely fast, expressive, and context-driven unit-testing framework. A replacement...
213,86157,505RackRack generates racks
320,36757,505javagemsProvides gem-esque support to Java
420,42430,732whyvalidationssuckin96A library for setting up model validations, such as in ActiveRecord.
525,98930,732xpcomcore-rubygemGem to allow for using XPCOMCore via RubyGems
632,35222,984riot-mongoidA collection of assertion macros for testing Mongoid with Riot
744,84157,505jsdoc-toolkitRubyGem packaged version of jsdoc-toolkit with extra rake tasks for automating doc gene...
853,97757,505xultestrunnerXUL based test runner for running your JS unit tests.
963,71957,505smackNeedle is too complex. Here's DI for dummies.
1190,66022,984kennedyKennedy is out for Castronaut. A simple single-sign-on client and server library.
1293,33757,505validation-mirrorAdds basic reflection support to ActiveRecord validations
1394,12730,732riot-jsJS version of the Riot testing framework
14115,04322,984gabrielg-vladVlad the Deployer is pragmatic application deployment automation, without mercy. Much l...
15115,32957,505clojureA JavaGem-ized version of Clojure
16119,62657,505faker-obscenityExtends Faker to support #?*($
17122,68957,505mongoid_pk_factoryAllows for using a primary key factory other than the default in Mongoid
18125,99657,505watertowerRuby and XUL based web application server framework.
19126,38257,505riotjs-xpccJS version of the Riot testing framework