Mttwrnr's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
127,04563,432bot_mobEasily create and manage bots
243,33063,432spigotSpigot provides a clean interface translating API data into context relevant objects
346,30863,432bittrexAPI Client for the Bittrex API
455,34963,432augitClean up your git branches
564,51141,916sinatra-riderAll the extras that Sinatra prefers while performing
670,20463,432spot_tracksGet your recent tracks with spotify links
777,84663,432chaperoneGuides you step by step through the things you can mess up
884,77063,432velcro-strapBootstraps for dummies
9109,66963,432bot_mob_railsConnect your Rails app to your BotMob app
10109,74063,432sshhubsshhub is an easy way to get ssh keys authorized on your public server
11129,40163,432flashboyConnect with cryptocurrency exchanges
12133,80041,916proxinacciProxinacci adds a method to any number returning the nearest fibonacci number
13135,83763,432grubberGrubber uses the Yelp API to find nearby restaurants to eat at
14138,31863,432stenographerRemember what you've said
15139,68630,305rypGet information about cryptocurrency from the command line
16147,35963,432cnfgEasily implemented configuration
17153,00863,432tabTab will take in multiple expenses from multiple people and produce a report of how to ...
18164,89541,916revereRevere is a library that provides consistent access to multiple alerting systems. T...