Mose's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
121,81041,916zabbix-ruby-clientA zabbix alternative to zabbix-agent using zabbix-sender.
221,93463,432hieraclesCLI tool for Hiera parameters visualization and analysis.
324,39563,432shellplayCLI tool for shell-based presentation. Think powerpoint in the console for commandline ...
427,4349,709rails-i18nterfaceA rails engine adding an interface for translating and writing translation files. Works...
528,78663,432cogbotIrc bot based on Cinch
632,96041,916hackpad-cliA Command Line Interface for consuming the Hackpad REST API.
739,10941,916clipromptThis library provides a simple DSL for managing user interaction in a CLI application.
842,43241,916hieravizSimple web application for accessing Puppet development code ...
944,67863,432shell2htmlA ruby lib for transforming bash colors into html. Parses escape chars and outputs html.
1057,99563,432configstructLib for managing config files based on OpenStruct, includes file saving and prompt at c...
1168,34019,893s3logDownloader for aws S3 logs.
12101,96641,916ender-railsInstall Ender and the Jeesh in rails.