Emboss's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,99846,623fuzzbertA random testing / fuzzer framework for Ruby.
224,54441,979krypt-corekrypt-core API for C(++)-based Rubies
328,12470,697kryptkrypt provides a unified framework for Ruby cryptography by offering a platform- and li...
434,111105,358binyobinyo offers a generic C API for dealing with Ruby IO objects and extension classes tha...
535,45684,840krypt-provider-opensslImplementation of the krypt-provider API using OpenSSL
635,821105,358krypt-osslA krypt shim to offer the same API as the Ruby OpenSSL extension. The implementation us...
748,26184,840krypt-provider-jdkJava implementation of the krypt-provider API using the standard JDK security library