Emilsoman's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,8847,979jewelerSimple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects on GitHub
214,00914,152cloudsterCloudster is a Ruby gem that was born to cut the learning curve involved in writin...
351,48185,863test-gem-123longer description of your gem
463,42985,863homerHomer makes tracking your Unix dotfiles easay peasay - UNDER DEVELOPMENT
590,08685,863rpbundleUse Gemfiles in your ruby-processing sketches
6108,29585,863toothpickFor the art of picking
7125,97760,164contractorContractor makes server configuration on the Cloud child's play.
8141,11285,863kalkiDestroyer of filth
9152,33160,164chatops_deployerChatopsDeployer deploys containerized services in isolated VMs and exposes public facin...
10161,28685,863gypsyThis rubygem is still under development
11165,29485,863rails_profilerRails engine that reveals high level profiling information of your Rails pages
12165,63685,863friskComing soon