Sujoyg's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
119,76034,202tubesA simple way to build a pipeline of tasks. These tasks can be configured to run in seri...
221,305157,485user_authenticationA rails engine for email and password based account authentication.
323,179157,485specstar-modelsThis gem provides RSpec matchers for model attributes and validators.
430,978157,485specstar-support-randomRSpec helpers for generating random entities.
532,581157,485specstar-controllersRSpec helpers for controllers.
635,38534,202globalsA simple way to define globals for use in a Ruby application.
737,902157,485widgetsA simple framework to create reusable widgets for Rails applications.
844,59284,598admin_engineA rails engine for adding admin functionality.
951,78749,364rspec_attribute_matchersRSpec helpers for ActiveRecord models.
10110,52284,598primary_keyAdds an add_primary_key method for Rails migrations.
11128,11684,598experimentsA rails engine for enabling A/B and other experiments.
12136,055110,973rspec_randomRSpec helpers for generating random entities.
13143,121157,485specstar-remarkableRemarkable ActiveRecord: collection of matchers and macros with I18n for ActiveRecord
14148,527157,485to-hashAdds a to_hash method to arrays.
15150,597110,973pipelinesA simple way to build a pipeline of tasks. These tasks can be configured to run in seri...