1 | 14,207 | 11,244 | hobbit | A minimalistic microframework built on top of rack |
2 | 18,007 | 12,310 | hobbit-contrib | Contributed Hobbit extensions |
3 | 44,182 | 86,038 | oktobertest | Small test library |
4 | 75,569 | 86,038 | simple_gravatar | Add gravatars to your ruby project as simple as possible. |
5 | 81,512 | 86,038 | ment | (environ)ment adds methods for asking what's the value of RACK_ENV. |
6 | 98,336 | 42,025 | goqr | QR codes for ruby/rails using goqr.me API |
7 | 104,957 | 53,556 | oktobertest-contrib | Contributed Oktobertest extensions |
8 | 120,269 | 42,025 | lazy_form | Forms for the rest of us, the lazy. |
9 | 132,287 | 86,038 | zget | Write a longer description or delete this line. |
10 | 134,872 | 86,038 | omniauth-josso | A Josso strategy for OmniAuth |
11 | 136,336 | 86,038 | nice_generators | Nice generators for rails 3. |
12 | 137,784 | 86,038 | time_sugar | Syntactic sugar for handling time. |
13 | 139,073 | 86,038 | miniconfig | Minimalistic configuration files for your projects. |
14 | 142,988 | 86,038 | sinatra-verbose | Sinatra verbose logging extension |
15 | 147,839 | 86,038 | cuba-sprockets | Sprockets plugin for Cuba. |
16 | 153,486 | 86,038 | cuba-errors | Error helpers for Cuba. |
17 | 176,963 | 86,038 | audited-ui | A UI for Audited. |
18 | 179,841 | 86,038 | active_authentication | A pure Rails authentication solution. Inspired by devise, but with a pure Rails impleme... |
19 | 183,013 | 53,556 | solid_telemetry | Database-backed OpenTelemetry. |