Oniram88's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
123,63411,175alchemy-custom-modelA gem for semplify model implementation with Alchemy CMS
227,783102,580swarm_cluster_cli_opeGestione di varie operazioni come sincronia con le cartelle bindate dei container (rsyn...
330,90714,199kono_utilsGemma per che raccoglie varie tipologie di classi di utilità varia che possono servire ...
436,37215,364kono_utils_bootstrap_view4Extrapolation of the old view in an external gem
662,252102,580stackoseDocker-Stack support for Capistrano 3.x
765,442102,580zabbix_vhostGem to parse information about VHost and make possible of autodiscovery with zabbix and...
868,44340,625imdb-scanRuby IMDB Parsing Library
998,618102,580not_found_catcherMountable Engine to catch not_found_errors and to administrate redirects
1099,66647,447kono_mailupKonoMailup is a Mailup layer for rails applications that provides c...
11102,53547,447kono_utils_helpersGem containing all KonoUtils Helpers external of the core
12107,83440,625kono_epp_clientA simple EPP Client
13126,42257,074met_on_the_middleLittle app to send configurable datas to various destinations
14138,96272,252gmap-fontawesomeFont-awesome svg path is for google maps, whith rake task to download and compile the l...
15154,18472,252alchemy_kono_mailupPlugin to integrate mailup into Alchemy
16172,400102,580active_job_k8sActiveJob adapter for kubernetes job
17172,538102,580thumbor_helperscollection of helpers to simplify live for use thumbor with rails and alchemy
18176,77122,299base_editing_bootstrapRaccolta di utility per semplificare costruzione cms in rails