Strzibny's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,0553,710fog-libvirtThis library can be used as a module for 'fog' or as standalone libvirt provider.
211,5598,315invoice_printerSuper simple and fast PDF invoicing in pure Ruby (based on Prawn library).
313,47812,493landrushForget about IPs in Vagrant - Automated DNS for your VMs This Vagrant plugin spins up ...
415,59517,444vagrant-registrationEnables guests to be registered automatically which is especially useful for RHEL or SL...
535,0129,172gem-patchgem-patch is a RubyGems plugin that helps to patch gems without manually opening and re...
635,67420,749invoice_barRails Engine for single-entry invoicing.
740,64710,063devise-otpOTP authentication for Devise
840,77921,532gem-comparegem-compare is a RubyGems plugin that helps to compare versions of the given gem. ...
948,47726,609ruby-aresARES is the Czech business database maintained by Ministry of Finance of the Czech Repu...
1053,74020,749invoice_printer_serverSuper simple and fast PDF invoicing in pure Ruby (based on Prawn library).
1158,27913,800invoice_printer_fontsSuper simple and fast PDF invoicing in pure Ruby (based on Prawn library).
1261,07053,556vagrant-routesAccess OpenShift routes on the host
1390,45153,556vagrant-atomicAdds the Project Atomic OS ( as a guest for Vagrant. Tested wit...
14107,30653,556formatted-moneyFor all Rubyist that use Integer for storing money values as cents. ...
15158,85486,038devise-otp-rails5Time Based OTP/rfc6238 compatible authentication for Devise with Devise 4.2 and Rails 5...
16183,03053,556seaportThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.