Rderoldan1's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,2648,354usagewatch_extA Ruby Gem with methods to find usage statistics such as CPU, Disk, TCP/UDP Connections...
221,10523,626md_simple_editorSimple editor for markdown and rails
330,34986,038financial_mathsgem to use financial methods inside ruby
432,95542,025rails_country_selectSelect tag for countries in rails form, based in LukeCarrier rails 2 plugin
548,46153,556wallpapersA simple way to change the wallpaper image in ubuntu
665,90386,038doc_to_pdfTurn documentation stored in doc folder in your rails app in a pdf file using wkhtmltopdf
777,59524,968google_perspectiveUse google perspective AI.