Sage's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,23514,261fudgeFudge Continuous Integration Server
29,36515,135eventq_awsThis is the aws implementation for EventQ
39,44713,603hash_kitToolkit for working with Hashes
49,71369,639validation_profilerA Validation framework for creating validation profiles, allowing for the separation & ...
59,91215,135eventq_rabbitmqThis is the rabbitmq implementation for EventQ
610,0205,332omniauth-cognito-idpUse the Amazon Cognito IdP with OmniAuth
710,16215,135eventq_baseThis gem contains the base classes and contracts required by any eventq implementations.
810,59814,261class_kitToolkit for working with classes
912,0916,361yaml_normalizerYaml Normalizer follows the notion that there is a normalized YAML file format. It ...
1012,80814,473sinjectA simple dependency injection framework.
1113,77113,603cache_store_redisThis is the redis cache_store implementation.
1213,88914,473json_kitToolkit for working with Json
1317,92626,008dynamodb_frameworkA lightweight framework to provide managers for working with aws dynamodb (incuding loc...
1419,28732,817guid_spannerA collection of utilities for uuid manipulation
1520,40626,008cache_storeThis is the base for a cache framework that includes a basic in memory cache store, alo...
1621,46937,317device_wizardA device detection framework that is not based on lookup dictionaries, which makes this...
1721,72226,008elastic_search_frameworkA lightweight framework to for working with elastic search.
1822,09046,004eventqEventQ is a pub/sub system that uses async notifications and message queues
1922,54846,004mysql_frameworkA lightweight framework to provide managers for working with MySQL.
2024,34246,004pworkThis is a library to facilitate with the execution of work on parallel threads.
2130,69246,004rake_helperA set of common helper methods to DRY up Rails rake tasks
2233,34526,008mem_kitToolkit for working with Memory, Profiling & Cleanup
2336,16369,639handler_registerableA gem to provide handler registry functionality
2443,88924,202grape_documenterThis adds a task to Rails Applications to generate documentation for Grape APIs.
2547,92846,004rubocop-custom-copsCollection of custom checks for Rubocop.
2653,98146,004transdifflationCompares yml locate files with yours and generate diff files to maintain gems or adjace...
2754,95719,398sageone_api_signerSign requests to Sage One API.
2861,40713,930i18n_yaml_editorI18n Yaml Editor
2964,20237,317seed_dataFramework from creating and building seed data
3083,94046,004lazy_mockLazy Mocks just respond to anything you throw at them.
31104,68946,004static_data_modelBasic functionality for models to get initialised with static data and make them access...
32110,05746,004vat_id_validatorVAT-ID validator based on ActiveModel::EachValidator
33158,41546,004sageone_sdkProvides Ruby methods for accessing the Sage One API endpoints.