1 | 39,747 | 63,432 | vnstat-ruby | Utilizes the the vnstat CLI to track your network traffic. |
2 | 78,915 | 30,305 | dm-hstore | Provides a new HStore property type. |
3 | 89,970 | 15,400 | systemcall | A simple wrapper around Ruby's Open3 to call CLI programs and process their output. |
4 | 90,165 | 63,432 | actionpresenter | A lightweight presenter implementation for Ruby on Rails. |
5 | 93,223 | 63,432 | casting_attributes | Enables using casting_attr_accessor to create typed non-persistent attribu... |
6 | 93,818 | 63,432 | casting_attr_accessor | Casts non-persistent model fields to their specified types, just like ActiveRecord does. |
7 | 95,991 | 25,458 | rack-encoding_guard | A middleware to process wrong encoded URLs in Rack applications. |
8 | 102,569 | 63,432 | typed_attributes | Casts non-persistent model fields to their respective types, just like ActiveRecord does. |
9 | 164,064 | 41,916 | minutely | Classes for representing the time of a day by using only hours and minutes |