Tlux's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
139,74763,432vnstat-rubyUtilizes the the vnstat CLI to track your network traffic.
278,91530,305dm-hstoreProvides a new HStore property type.
389,97015,400systemcallA simple wrapper around Ruby's Open3 to call CLI programs and process their output.
490,16563,432actionpresenterA lightweight presenter implementation for Ruby on Rails.
593,22363,432casting_attributesEnables using casting_attr_accessor to create typed non-persistent attribu...
693,81863,432casting_attr_accessorCasts non-persistent model fields to their specified types, just like ActiveRecord does.
795,99125,458rack-encoding_guardA middleware to process wrong encoded URLs in Rack applications.
8102,56963,432typed_attributesCasts non-persistent model fields to their respective types, just like ActiveRecord does.
9164,06441,916minutelyClasses for representing the time of a day by using only hours and minutes