Pencil's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,51225,716casinoCASino is a simple CAS (Central Authentication Service) server.
215,13761,367casino_coreCASinoCore is a CAS server library. It can be used by other projects to build a fully f...
328,0388,830encrypted_idSometimes you don't want your users to see the actual ID of your databases entries. Thi...
430,12761,367casino-activerecord_authenticatorThis gem can be used to allow the CASino backend to authenticate against an SQL server ...
531,55761,367casino-ldap_authenticatorThis gem can be used to allow the CASino backend to authenticate against an LDAP server.
635,69261,367casino_core-authenticator-activerecordThis gem can be used to allow the CASinoCore backend to authenticate against an SQL ser...
762,72961,367casino_core-authenticator-ldapThis gem can be used to allow the CASinoCore backend to authenticate against an LDAP se...
889,95161,367activerecord_session_cleanerThis gem allows you to automatically remove old sessions from your ActiveRecord.
9139,62061,367yolo_backupyolo_backup allows you to create incremental backups of multiple servers using rsync ov...