1 | 1,804 | 1,798 | pronto | Pronto runs analysis quickly by checking only the relevant changes. Created
to be u... |
2 | 1,850 | 1,852 | pronto-rubocop | Pronto runner for Rubocop, ruby code analyzer |
3 | 3,037 | 3,676 | pronto-flay | Pronto runner for Flay, structural similarities analyzer |
4 | 3,052 | 2,824 | pronto-brakeman | Pronto runner for Brakeman, security vulnerability scanner for RoR |
5 | 3,208 | 2,415 | pronto-reek | Pronto runner for Reek, code smell detector for Ruby |
6 | 3,571 | 4,983 | pronto-rails_best_practices | Pronto runner for Rails Best Practices, code metric tool for Rails projects |
7 | 3,676 | 4,484 | pronto-fasterer | Pronto runner for Fasterer, speed improvements suggester |
8 | 5,723 | 6,853 | pronto-scss | Pronto runner for SCSS-Lint, tool to help keep your SCSS clean and readable |
9 | 5,965 | 4,714 | pronto-haml | Pronto runner for HAML-Lint, tool for writing clean and consistent HAML |
10 | 9,877 | 10,886 | pronto-eslint | Pronto runner for ESLint, pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and JSX |
11 | 11,889 | 86,038 | poper | Poper makes sure that your git commit messages are well-formed |
12 | 11,929 | 86,038 | pronto-poper | Pronto runner for Poper, git commit message analyzer |
13 | 13,761 | 14,473 | pronto-jshint | Pronto runner for JSHint, JavaScript code quality tool |
14 | 26,084 | 17,070 | pronto-spell | Pronto runner that uses Aspell for spell checking |
15 | 29,814 | 18,833 | kube-rails | kube-rails project integrates Kube for Rails 4 Asset Pipeline |
16 | 34,251 | 53,556 | pronto-foodcritic | Pronto runner for Food Critic, lint tool for chef |
17 | 34,335 | 86,038 | vinted-ab | AB testing gem used internally by Vinted |
18 | 34,799 | 19,470 | grit-ext | Collection of extensions for grit |
19 | 51,345 | 86,038 | color_difference | Implementation of CIEDE2000 color-difference formula |
20 | 55,604 | 53,556 | request_local_cache | RequestLocalCache gives you per-request cache |
21 | 147,031 | 53,556 | rails-newrelic_metrics | Retrieve various metrics, unused actions for your Rails app, courtesy of NewRelic |