Bogdanrada's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,25428,793capistrano_multiconfig_parallelCapistranoMulticonfigParallel is a simple ruby implementation that allows you to run mu...
29,38542,025washout_builderWashOut Soap Service HTML-Documentation generator (extends WashOut
312,47635,920celluloid_pubsubCelluloidPubsub is a simple ruby implementation of publish subscribe design patterns us...
414,85242,025capistrano-gitflowCapistrano recipe for a deployment workflow based on git tags
517,61642,025asana_exception_notifierSimple ruby implementation to send notifications to Asana when a exception happen...
621,68786,038enhanced_date_select"Enhances ActionView with a customizable date select form helper where any valid HTML a...
724,26442,025tax_generatorTax generator is a simple XML processor and generator of HTMl files and uses celluloid ...
824,57042,025capistrano_sentinelCapistranoSentinel is a simple ruby implementation that allows you to emit websocket ev...
939,37953,556celluloid_pubsub_redis_adapterSimple ruby implementation of a Redis Reactor used for publish subscribe communication ...