Joshwlewis's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,4384,184rendezvousClient for interacting with Heroku processes.
25,14710,332unitwisePhysical quantity and units of measure conversion and math library
35,2247,662linerA liner for Ruby objects. Add attribute, inspection, serialization, and equality methods.
45,2417,840signed_multisetMultisets with negative membership
55,97810,596rspec_tapA TAP formatter for rspec
617,04436,605validates_by_schemaKeep your code DRY by inferring column validations from table properties! Automagically...
740,44753,223cutlassHave you ever had problems opening a `pack` age? Try something sharper, try CUTLASS!
842,97220,946app_manifestParse app manifests used by Heroku Button, Heroku Review Apps, and Heroku CI.
952,62428,615pliny-libratoA Librato metrics reporter backend for pliny
1055,85797,699pliny-sidekiqPliny logging and request_id support for Sidekiq
1178,25124,029mindtrickSearch completion suggestions using Redis's sorted sets.
1282,18653,223elementyLookup Data for Elements in the Periodic Table
13112,03118,747table-flipBail if the database contains any data. Handy to prevent stupid stuff like running test...