Jhass's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,84025,458i18n-inflectorEnhances simple I18n backend in a way that it inflects translation data using pattern i...
29,74930,305i18n-inflector-railsPlug-in that provides I18n Inflector module integration with Rails.
313,71512,386open_graph_readerA library to fetch and parse OpenGraph properties from an URL or a given string.
413,80012,967configurateConfigurate is a flexible configuration system that can read settings from multiple sou...
513,89312,386diaspora_federationThis gem provides the functionality for de-/serialization and de-/encryption of Entitie...
614,01011,877diaspora_federation-railsA rails engine that adds the diaspora* federation protocol to a rails app
715,85063,432kadminCollection of utility, configuration, etc., for admin areas in a Rails application. Pro...
819,55230,305diaspora_federation-testThis gem provides some supplimentary code (factory definitions), thathelps to build tes...
920,26512,386js_image_pathsEasily access your image assets in your JavaScript code
1021,76012,386diaspora_federation-json_schemaThis gem provides JSON schemas (currently one schema) for validating JSON serialized fe...
1139,87863,432barcoopbarcoo's rubocop config and cops
1242,21763,432acme_nsupdateCLI tool to obtain certificates via ACME and update the matching TLSA records. The ...
1346,97912,386redstructProvides higher level data structures in Ruby using standard Redis commands. Also provi...
1458,31014,438rworkflowrworkflow - workflow framework for Ruby
1581,47519,893redis_rdsRedisRds provides Ruby interfaces for data structures like String or Hash stored in Redis.