Jclusso's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,8889,147omniauth-linkedin-openidOmniAuth strategy for LinkedIn using OpenID.
219,48263,432blazeverifyEmail Verification that’s astonishingly easy and low-cost. See https://blazeverify.com ...
319,50410,434emailableEmail Verification that’s astonishingly easy and low-cost. See https://emailable.com fo...
439,19222,084show_messageshow_message makes it easy to output your flash[:success], flash[:error] or flash[:what...
556,22863,432chorizoParse and set environment variables on hosting providers
658,94522,084middleman-metamanManage your middleman meta tags.
774,87463,432env_helperAn easy way to manage environment variables with types besides plain strings.
883,07210,434heroiconsRuby on Rails view helpers for the beautiful hand-crafted SVG icons, Heroicons.
9124,09263,432hydrateA flexible core solution for a SaaS platform that uses Stripe with Rails.
10145,52530,305easy_logEasyLog makes it easy to output descriptive logs
11173,49663,432jerkyJerky is a gem to help you use your Rails Credentials and Configurations.
12175,39325,458rubocop-cache-venturesCache Ventures RuboCop config.
13177,54541,916pagy_mongoid_cursorPagy Extra to do cursor based pagination for Mongoid.
14182,45963,432heroicon-rubyRuby on Rails view helpers for the beautiful hand-crafted SVG icons, Heroicons.