Barelyknown's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,4723,863nearest_time_zoneQuickly find the name of a time zone for a latitude and longitude without relying on a ...
215,34514,192genderedGuess the gender of a name.
320,02624,456geonames_apiSimple ruby client for the GeoNames API to get free and easy geographic info.
423,09414,723rspec-context-privateRSpec shared context to make private methods temporarily public.
529,89640,310aws_sns_subscriptionEasy confirmation of Amazon SNS subscription requests in Rails apps
639,72540,310blekko-searchSearch and manage slashtags for
740,76540,310time_clockCalculate the business time for a period of time.
841,83118,879pundit-resourcesIntegrate JSONAPI::Resources with Pundit
951,11440,310linotypelinotype implements that game mechanic of Letterpress for iOS by atebits software. The ...
1054,43540,310ruby_quiz_1Solution to ruby quiz #1 @
1155,31740,310enum_to_symChanges the return value of enums to symbols.
1261,11040,310carrier_infoFetch carrier info off the internet
1361,95727,598autoload_resourcesAutoload resources for Rails controllers
1462,30940,310layout_by_actionAdd layout_by_action method to application controllers
1567,10340,310controller_resource_classAdd a resource_class method to Rails controllers.
1682,61424,456summarize-meetingA command line utility that summarizes a meeting using generative language models.
17105,92140,310ff_pulseEndpoint to check the health of an application.
18113,42627,598task_master-fancyhands-rubyA fork of the official ruby gem for the Fancy Hands API
19116,83440,310task_masterA Rails engine that makes it easy to outsource manual tasks using the Fancy Hands API.
20132,16040,310rspec-context-doublesTemporarily toggle the behavior of doubles for an RSpec example group.
21147,60640,310elasticsearch_distance_unit_validatorValidator for Elasticsearch distance units.
22150,30540,310ruby_quiz_2Solution to ruby quiz #1 @
23150,33340,310precisionCalculate the precision of a anything that can be converted into a decimal.
24151,02740,310race_partner_registrationsDownload registration list from a Race Partner event.