1 | 2,257 | 2,738 | rubystats | Ruby Stats is a port of the statistics libraries from PHPMath. Probability distribution... |
2 | 4,808 | 5,003 | capybara-mechanize | RackTest driver for Capybara, but with remote request support thanks to mechanize |
3 | 6,247 | 11,223 | vanity | Mirror, mirror on the wall ... |
4 | 10,984 | 9,921 | rickshaw_rails | Rickshaw, a javascript graphing library based on d3, for the rails asset pipeline |
5 | 100,691 | 61,367 | analytics-js-rails | A self-hosted copy of Analytics.js, a wrapper for web analytics services, for the Ruby ... |
6 | 129,048 | 61,367 | dm-fixtures | A rip of some of ActiveRecord's fixtures helpers, ported to DataMapper. For the conserv... |
7 | 139,812 | 61,367 | rspec-default-params | A microgem to reduce duplication in controller specs by providing a mechanism to provid... |
8 | 160,865 | 61,367 | gates | Permanent backwards compatibility for changing APIs. |