Enkessler's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1152309childprocessThis gem aims at being a simple and reliable solution for controlling external programs...
22,2811,888cuke_modelerThis gem facilitates modeling a test suite that is written in Gherkin (e.g. Cucumber, S...
37,0307,862cuke_slicerSlices a Cucumber test suite into the smallest possible executable pieces (i.e. scenari...
47,3244,225cuke_linterThis gem provides linters for detecting common 'smells' in `.feature` files. In additio...
511,23410,738cqlCQL is a domain specific language used for querying a Cucumber (or other Gherkin based)...
614,75215,253cucumber_analyticsStatic analysis of Cucumber tests made easy.
723,46615,253cuke_catalogerScans existing Cucumber tests and updates them to include an id tag that is unique for ...
829,45323,174cuketaggerbatch tagging of cucumber features and scenarios
930,03453,263racattFor when you want a big, easy Rake task shaped button to kick off your RSpec and Cucumb...
10110,93046,777cuke_commanderProvides an easy way to build a cucumber commandline.