1 | 47,057 | 86,038 | storexplore | A declarative scrapping DSL that lets one define directory like apis to an online store |
2 | 50,395 | 42,025 | auchandirect-scrAPI | Through scrapping, an API to the french www.auchandirect.fr online grocery |
3 | 67,541 | 31,663 | complexity_assert | They are some performance critical pieces of code that will be executed on huge data se... |
4 | 79,461 | 53,556 | rspecproxies | Proxy doubles for RSpec |
5 | 89,255 | 86,038 | spec_combos | Rspec matchers to combine matchers together |
6 | 89,865 | 86,038 | xpath-specs | A gem providing recursive and named wrappers around xpaths, in order to improve error m... |
7 | 104,352 | 86,038 | cucumber_tricks | Cucumber step definition dsl extension to easily define more readable steps |