Theodorton's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,7304,376yard-activerecordYARD-Activerecord is a YARD extension that handles and interprets methods used when...
25,4265,136google_distance_matrixRuby client for The Google Distance Matrix API
318,74180,049klarna-checkoutRuby Wrapper for Klarna Checkout Rest API
424,26430,826omniauth-signicatSignicat strategy for OmniAuth.
5100,38646,897activenotifierSimplifies sending notifications to your end users through multiple channels
6103,64461,626locked_attributesMake persisted models have locked attributes.
7137,92561,626daterangeParse keen-like timeframes to date ranges
8175,69046,897vekselSeperate databases for every branch in your development environment
9180,84546,897capybara-rack_test-screenshotUse playwright to generate screenshots when using RackTest