Smtlaissezfaire's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,3511,981fakefsA fake filesystem. Use it in your tests.
23,7026,210mongo_mapperMongoMapper is a Object-Document Mapper for Ruby and Rails
33,7337,635pluckyThin layer over the ruby driver that allows you to quickly grab hold of your data (pluc...
48,28616,657mm_eager_includerEager include associations with mongo mapper
58,8486,937markaby_why's markaby templating language
622,03561,367deep_testDeepTest runs tests in multiple processes.
727,23461,367fixturizefixturize your mongo(mapper) tests inline by caching blocks of created objects
828,37761,367active_conductorThis plugin uses the conductor pattern to wrap multiple models as one object
935,50561,367cap_crontabInstall a crontab through cap
1039,91961,367cap_unicorncapistrano tasks to support unicorn
1141,25661,367denormalize_mmHelpers to denormalize fields easily on mongo mapper models
1250,60518,157mm-learnup-sluggableMongoMapper plugin to cache a slugged version of a field. Originally forked from mm-le...
1358,41733,893rspec-on-rails-matchersJosh Knowles rspec-on-rails-matchers, upgraded for Rails 3+.
1458,95614,205catch_allDefine a white-list only set of emails for ActionMailer
1565,89861,367dated_backupIncremental Dated Backups Using Rsync
1666,01161,367web_service_documenterDocument your json web services
1768,38761,367fast_git_deployThe Fast Git Deploy Method - just a git reset --hard to update code
1871,47161,367cap_db_dumpCapistrano tasks for dumping your mysql database + transfering to your local machine
1973,61623,402mm_soft_deletedSoft delete records with mongo mapper
2075,15925,716MarkabyTim Fletcher and _why's ruby driven HTML templating system
2179,34761,367safe_callbacksDefault active model callbacks to always return true
2285,05525,716mongo_missing_indexesDetect missing indexes in mongo queries
2388,45661,367dartboardRandomly select values based on percentages
2490,69533,893migration_collapserCollapse migrations already run in production
2593,61161,367fixture_replacementFixtureReplacement is a Rails plugin that provides a simple way to quickly populate you...
2694,35961,367simplyA minimal markaby-esq ruby templating language
2797,23529,456mongo_mapper_taggerDead simple tagging for MongoMapper
28102,22561,367deploy_soundsPlays a random sound from ~/.deploy_sounds
29121,50861,367usingFlexibly load ruby files. This gem will automatically add File.expand_pat...
30122,57161,367garlic_rails3_compatibilityCI tool to test your project across multiple versions of rails/dependencies
31131,35161,367xmlprettySuper simple utility to pretty print xml. Pass the xml in on stdin.
32132,96861,367index_viewA simple way to use mysql indexes in a rails app
33133,90661,367smtlaissezfaire-betabuilderA set of Rake tasks and utilities for managing iOS ad-hoc builds.