1 | 17,480 | 51,220 | bootstrap-rails-engine | Twitter Bootstrap for Rails 3 |
2 | 24,021 | 51,220 | angular-rails-engine | Angular.js for Rails 3 |
3 | 25,496 | 51,220 | bitsnote-i18n | Crowdsourcing localization for bitsnote. |
4 | 42,753 | 51,220 | bitsnote-assets | Common assets for Bitsnote with CDN support. |
5 | 44,267 | 29,512 | jquery-rails-cdn-yjchen | Add CDN support to jquery-rails |
6 | 50,847 | 51,220 | country-select-engine | Provide a list of localized countries, currencies and time zones |
7 | 63,326 | 51,220 | ionic-rails-engine | Ionic Framework for Rails 4 |
8 | 79,485 | 29,512 | easy_contact | A very simple contact system for Rails |
9 | 99,275 | 51,220 | easy_tag | A very simple tagging system for Rails to be forked or extended. |
10 | 104,382 | 51,220 | keyword_search_yjchen | Generic library to parse GMail-style search strings for keyword/value pairs; supports d... |
11 | 132,920 | 51,220 | grobi | Ruby wrapper on google-api-ruby-client and other service |
12 | 136,956 | 51,220 | jquery-ui-rails-engine | jQuery UI javascript assets for Rails |