Danielpclark's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,9977,956rutieRutie — The Tie Between Ruby and Rust. Helper methods gem for Rutie.
211,1059,482basecustomDefine your own numeric base! Highly advanced and ultimately simple!
317,49528,543faster_pathFasterPath is a reimplementation of Pathname for better performance.
420,01528,543poly_belongs_toUniform Omni-Relational ActiveRecord Tools. Includes polymorphic and any belongs_to re...
525,91928,543dynaspanIn place text editing with AJAX substituting text to input field.
626,90128,543color_pound_spec_reporterSpecReporter with easy to follow colors.
728,49359,086cards_libCard Game Library. Testable and Object Oriented.
832,61459,086trav3A Simple client abstraction for the Travis V3 API
939,76859,086language_cardsFlashcard game for language learning. Make your own cards or translations as well.
1044,50435,677mightystringArray functionality in Strings as well as Matching, Indexing, Substitution, Deletion, a...
1154,32935,677state_inspectorIntrospection tool for reporting method calls and state change. Instance variables and...
1255,88659,086read_sourceRead method source to String or in your VIM editor!
1362,49959,086yt_utilA toolbox for Youtube.
1463,50359,086dfmDuplicate File Manager. Recursively index duplicate files!
1565,26359,086clock_windowClock active window. Time tracker by window name.
1665,49559,086grdGet url redirection on the command line. 'grd www.example.com'
1768,84135,677vertformRails vertical form generator from a Hash. {"label" => "rails code"}
1871,07359,086stop_watchStop watch timer for Ruby.
1973,55916,885kis_httpDRY for Net::HTTP
2076,98259,086countdownobjAn object base on Time that'll let you know how much time is left until the deadline. C...
2181,15159,086elixirizeAdd ᐅ method for Elixir feel, parameter must start with Proc
2283,80859,086demisyndemisyn; methods without punctuation. Refinement for punctuationless eval.
2384,24259,086randomyoutubeGrab a random youtube video link from any linux box. Parsable and human readable.
2485,44459,086aes_keeperEncrypt data to strings via AES 256bit encryption. Database string safe.
2591,62728,543picpacputPicPacPut - Bulk shrink images and pack them.
2695,35535,677multiplesCreates enumerators that step through integers from a union of two multiples. A pattern...
27103,57759,086webpacker_cliBringing the impressive work of the Rails' Webpacker project to be available for other ...
28108,70559,086acts_as_encryptableExtends Rails existing encryption methods and adds simple record encryption.
29112,07759,086vertformhelperRails vertical form generator from JSON. {"label" => "rails code"}
30115,13259,086env_compatEnvCompat provides a way to map special characters to environment friendly characters
31116,38635,677proxboxProximity Box Detector. Relationship by closeness.
32117,32559,086dna_hammingDNA Hamming. Compute the difference between two DNA strands as represented by strings.
33121,41559,086byte_arrayA Ruby version of Pythons bytearray(). With Pythons array behavior added.
34134,55159,086mdbmDrop any object into MDBM. It marshals in and out of DBM. See DBM for basic usage info ...
35138,65735,677rubygemfeedRubyGemFeed provides command line feed of the newest gems, most recently updated gems, ...
36149,04359,086assignAdd Kernel#assign for multiple assignment with method calls. EG hash.assign.update, b ...
37159,66059,086strict_geocoderAdd strict scopes for ActiveRecord to Geocoder
38172,51159,086ies_authWrite a longer description or delete this line.