Scalp42's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,5815,406vagrant-vbguestA Vagrant plugin which automatically installs the host's VirtualBox Guest Additions on ...
249,39742,025kitchen-nodes-scalp42A Test Kitchen Provisioner for Chef Nodes
363,92253,556hipchat-chefRuby library to interact with HipChat
4101,43986,038orchestraSSH toolkit for application deployment and devops tasks.
5113,99986,038diplomat-scalp42Diplomat is a simple wrapper for Consul
6138,31528,793fluent-plugin-scalyr-threadedSends log data collected by fluentd to Scalyr (
7139,92586,038vagrant-route53Delete Route53 record associated to the EC2 node when destroying Vagrant VM using AWS p...
8143,86753,556knife-gourmetChef knife plugin to help checking the cookbooks versions on your Chef server against u...
9154,36686,038reliable-queueA relialbe queue library for enqueuing and creating workers.