Sgerrand's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
121,51063,432gandiWrapper around gandi xml-rpc API v3
2118,45863,432omniauth-fidorAn OmniAuth OAuth2 based strategy for the Fidor Banking API.
3125,17141,916acts_as_html_sanitizedSanitizes your ActiveRecord attributes.
4135,60863,432neonmobAPI client for
5138,27763,432hekaRuby client for the Heka application logging and metrics gathering system
6173,38541,916adrRecord architectural decisions
7175,35863,432pcapredictA Ruby client for PCA Predict's APIs.
8180,77063,432humaansA Ruby client for interacting with the Humaans API.
9182,30463,432incident-ioA Ruby API client for interacting with the API.