1 | 21,478 | 26,609 | gandi | Wrapper around gandi xml-rpc API v3 |
2 | 118,348 | 86,038 | omniauth-fidor | An OmniAuth OAuth2 based strategy for the Fidor Banking API. |
3 | 125,048 | 86,038 | acts_as_html_sanitized | Sanitizes your ActiveRecord attributes. |
4 | 135,570 | 86,038 | neonmob | API client for NeonMob.com |
5 | 138,092 | 53,556 | heka | Ruby client for the Heka application logging and metrics gathering system |
6 | 173,179 | 86,038 | adr | Record architectural decisions |
7 | 175,167 | 86,038 | pcapredict | A Ruby client for PCA Predict's APIs. |
8 | 180,556 | 53,556 | humaans | A Ruby client for interacting with the Humaans API. |
9 | 182,064 | 42,025 | incident-io | A Ruby API client for interacting with the incident.io API. |