Bricker's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,5524,282to_boolSuper-simple gem that extends some Ruby classes with a "to_bool" method, which converts...
239,06353,556secretary-railsA Rails engine that provides simple versioning for your records.
339,18386,038nprNPR ( is a news organization. This gem helps you pull NPR content with a nice R...
442,32753,556embeditor-railsEmbeditor is a set of client-side adapters for various embed codes. It aims to keep you...
543,68986,038dbsyncA set of rake tasks to help you sync your remote production data with your local databa...
647,35624,968guard-gradleContinuous Testing Guard plugin for Gradle
748,21186,038outpost-cmsThis engine plugs into your Rails application and provides a plethora of useful methods...
865,65353,556outpost-aggregatorContent aggregator for Outpost
976,48486,038asset_host_clientRuby client for AssetHost
1087,01786,038outpost-asset_hostAssetHost integration with Outpost.
1196,33586,038audio_visionRuby client for the AudioVision API.
12101,21742,025outpost-publishingEnhanced content publishing for Outpost.
13110,76186,038outpost-secretarysecretary-rails integration with Outpost.
14140,07486,038unique_by_dateA Rails validator for uniqueness by date.
15164,46986,038asset_host_coreOne-stop-shop for media asset management, designed for a newsroom environment.