Andymaleh's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,8373,811puts_debuggererDebuggers are great! They help us troubleshoot complicated programming problems by insp...
211,01010,529glimmerGlimmer is a Ruby DSL Framework for Ruby GUI and More, consisting of a DSL Engine and a...
312,15614,399abstract_feature_branchabstract_feature_branch is a Ruby gem that provides a unique variation on the Branch by...
412,8555,141strategicif/case conditionals can get really hairy in highly sophisticated business domains. Dom...
514,95011,395super_moduleSuperModule allows defining class methods and method invocations the same way a super c...
622,39029,289glimmer-cs-gladiatorGladiator (short for Glimmer Editor) is a Code Editor / IDE beta project under on-going...
730,87710,743array_include_methodsArray#include_all?, Array#include_any?, Array#include_array?, Array#array_index, Array#...
846,61340,936ultra_light_wizardUltra light & maintainble wizards in Rails that honor REST, MVC, and OO with minima...
971,26040,936glimmer-cs-calculatorCalculator - Glimmer Custom Shell
1082,49349,384nested_inherited_jruby_include_packageJRuby include_package implementation that works across nested/inherited classes/modules
1182,95966,011glimmer-cw-videoGlimmer video widget with basic functionality like play, pause, loop, and reload. Suppo...
1295,26940,936to_collectionToCollection Ruby Refinement - Treat an array of objects and a singular object uniforml...
13105,19849,384easily_typableRuby mixin that facilitates English-like type checking in an inheritance hierarchy via ...
14140,90066,011recsolu_login_clientA gem that makes it easy for Recsolu apps to authenticate with the login app using sing...