Wanelo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,17040,310lapineTalk to rabbits
220,53940,310sequel-schema-shardingCreate horizontally sharded Sequel models with Postgres
321,06540,310postmodernTools for managing PostgreSQL
425,27240,310cache-objectObject R/W Caching on top of ActiveRecord
528,10827,598pauseThis gem provides highly flexible and easy to use interface to define rate limit checks...
634,71214,041counter-cacheThis makes it easier.
736,49540,310joyent-provisionerWrapper gem around provisioning clusters of servers on Joyent cloud
838,59124,456ventableEvent/Observable design pattern in ruby
940,85140,310compositorDefine simple "compositor" classes that represent your domain objects in terms of Hashe...
1043,78540,310sequel-replica-failoverAutomatically failover between replicas when they go down.
1185,95540,310spanxReal time IP parsing and rate detection gem for access_log files
12112,53340,310sidekiq-dynamicSidekiq-dynamic creates a subclass of Sidekiq::Worker, named Sidekiq::Dynamic::Worker, ...