Npalaniuk's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
149,01237,371omdb-apiRuby interface for the OMDB API
260,46027,283simple_validatePORO validation mixin with no deps
371,65845,087yanoParse yes/no like values
478,82437,853typeracer_rubySimple ruby wrapper around typeracer API
5157,060102,511json_api_deserializerDeserializer for JSON API spec
6167,224102,511json_pretty_generateUtil for pretty printing JSON
7131,44836,013simple_interfaceDeclare an interface to raise at runtime
8170,014102,511termtableTable generator for the terminal
9149,62136,013klass_paramParam method for quick initialization
10149,75736,013eventzEvent emitter inspired by the Node library