Maestrodev's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,71423,861librarian-puppet-maestrodevlibrarian-puppet-maestrodev gem is now deprecated in favor of librarian-puppet 0.9.11 a...
215,21632,595fog-maestrodevThe Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rack...
324,04951,488maestro_pluginA ruby library to help with the creation of Maestro plugins
429,48426,667maestro_shellA ruby library to help with the creation of Maestro plugins that need Shell functionality
530,70632,595maestro-plugin-rake-tasksA collection of Rake tasks used to package Maetro Ruby plugins
651,22251,488maestro_commonA bunch of utility classes that are used in multiple places
786,445129,735ruote-stomp-maestrodevStomp participant/listener pair for ruote 2.2
889,060129,735rest-client-maestroA simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of...
9129,17751,488stompserver_ngSTOMP Next Generation Ruby server.
10137,390129,735ruote-maestrodevruote is an open source Ruby workflow engine
11137,80132,595jenkins-maestrodevA suite of utilities for bringing continous integration to your projects (not the other...
12137,842129,735rspec-puppet-maestrodevRSpec tests for your Puppet manifests
13141,43732,595maestro_metricsA gem used to log application metrics