Emstolfo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1212280elasticsearch-apiRuby API for Elasticsearch. See the `elasticsearch` gem for full integration.
2213282elasticsearchRuby integrations for Elasticsearch (client, API, etc.)
3251307elasticsearch-transportRuby client for Elasticsearch. See the `elasticsearch` gem for full integration.
4713513elasticsearch-modelActiveModel/Record integrations for Elasticsearch.
5780567elasticsearch-railsRuby on Rails integrations for Elasticsearch.
61,5433,368bson_extC extensions to accelerate the Ruby BSON serialization. For more information about BSON...
71,7031,788elasticsearch-dslA Ruby DSL builder for Elasticsearch
81,8872,094mongoid-compatibilityCompatibility helpers for Mongoid.
91,9422,388elasticsearch-extensionsExtensions for the Elasticsearch Rubygem
101,9955,383originOrigin is a simple DSL for generating MongoDB selectors and options
112,1372,113elasticsearch-persistencePersistence layer for Ruby models and Elasticsearch.
122,5982,175elastic-apmThe official Elastic APM agent for Ruby
132,6182,722mongoid-historyThis library tracks historical changes for any document, including embedded ones. It ac...
142,7722,814mongoid-rspecRSpec matches for Mongoid models, including association and validation matchers.
152,8293,358mongoid-grid_fsA pure Mongoid/Moped implementation of the MongoDB GridFS specification
163,5582,213elasticsearch-xpackRuby integrations for the X-Pack extensions for Elasticsearch
175,0686,384mongo_session_storeRails session stores for Mongoid, or any other ODM. Rails 4 compatible.
185,3185,279mongoid-lockerAllows multiple processes to operate on individual documents in MongoDB while ensuring ...
195,3943,962mongoid-geospatialMongoid Extension that simplifies MongoDB casting and operations on spatial Ruby objects.
205,9315,312ecs-loggingWrite a longer description or delete this line.
216,2436,138mongoid-slugMongoid URL slug or permalink generator
226,5406,609mongoid_searchSimple full text search implementation.
236,7546,067mongoid_orderableEnables Mongoid models to track their position in list
246,9718,131mongoid-scrollMongoid extensions to enable infinite scroll.
2510,8236,625mongoid-shellDerive shell commands from Mongoid configuration options.
2612,41717,196mongoid-cached-jsonCached-json is a DSL for describing JSON representations of Mongoid models.
2729,23334,962mongoid-collection-snapshotEasy maintenence of collections of processed data in MongoDB with the Mongoid ODM.
2862,64430,856mongoid-tag-collectibleEasily maintain a collection of Tag instances with aggregate counts from your model's t...