Riywo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,7651,697fluent-plugin-kinesisFluentd output plugin that sends events to Amazon Kinesis.
210,0447,346mobilize-sshmobilize-ssh allows you to automate ssh commands and files across hosts
310,5067,665mobilize-baseManage your organization's workflows entirely through Google Docs and irb. ...
412,3468,513mobilize-hdfsAdds hdfs read, write, and copy support to mobilize-ssh
512,4308,458mobilize-hiveAdds hive read, write, and run support to mobilize-hdfs
634,39233,893fluent-plugin-hash-forwardFluentd plugin to keep forwarding messsages of a specific tag pattern to a specific node
735,55533,893net-empty_portAn empty port for TCP/UDP
840,90261,367ruby-llenvLL install and exec
951,04641,086fluent-plugin-groupcounterFluentd plugin to count like SELECT COUNT(\*) GROUP BY
1059,03341,086animenewsnetworkAnimeNewsNetwork API
1168,52441,086anypowPow for any language
1298,25161,367jenkins_cronA DSL for Jenkins cron job
13105,96561,367rbshRuby-sh shell script
14108,40961,367law-japanThis is a library for Japanese laws
15138,17461,367health_statusHealth status API server
16139,40941,086pandlerManage your packages with chroot
17139,43061,367traildbOperate TrailDB from Ruby code using this gem.
18164,46341,086fluent-plugin-traildbWrite a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.