Joiggama's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
150,93563,432activerecord-humanized_errorsThis is not rocket science at all, this gem just adds a helper method to retrieve human...
256,04263,432vagrant-ansible_inventoryHelps defining and building ansible inventory files programatically via configuration a...
397,94263,432jekyll-categorizerA Jekyll plugin to generate custom category index pages. Bring your own template.
4126,18663,432cfpCall for Papers Rails Engine used for the organization of MagmaRails
6136,24063,432koansThe legendary ruby koans.
7158,11363,432jekyll-theme-spJekyll theme with SP branding
8162,35963,432omniauth-google_chrome_identityProvides access_token only callback phase
9164,81263,432yadatAn experimental CLI to avoid typing repetitive commands