1 | 11,698 | 29,512 | joosy | A gem wrapper to include Joosy via the asset pipeline. |
2 | 13,821 | 51,220 | smartware | Smartware is the Smartkiosk hardware control daemon |
3 | 14,451 | 51,220 | smartkiosk-client | Smartkiosk client application |
4 | 15,552 | 51,220 | smartkiosk-server | Smartkiosk server application |
5 | 16,061 | 7,362 | smartguard | Smartguard is the Smartkiosk services control daemon |
6 | 43,610 | 51,220 | joosy-rails | Assets, Generators and beer delivery |
7 | 45,095 | 51,220 | gpgme-ffi | Ruby-GPGME is a Ruby language binding of GPGME (GnuPG
Made Easy). GnuPG Made Easy (GPGM... |
8 | 49,515 | 51,220 | inline_templates | Inline templates for Rails controllers with Arbre-like DSL |
9 | 64,317 | 16,557 | tablette | HTML table generator |
10 | 77,110 | 51,220 | cmux | Ruby bindings for CMUX, GSM 07.10 multiplexer |
11 | 82,174 | 51,220 | iso8583-mkb | ISO8583 implementation for Credit Bank of Moscow |
12 | 90,992 | 51,220 | batch_actions | Batch action support for Rails. |
13 | 103,478 | 51,220 | gdbflasher | gdbflasher is a gdbserver-compatible tool for loading firmware into ARM MCUs. |
14 | 124,162 | 29,512 | protector-inherited_resources | Integration layer between Protector and Inherited Resources |
15 | 139,029 | 51,220 | multiflow | State machine that allows dynamic transitions for business workflows |