Cientifico's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,70411,862rake-hooksAdd after and before hooks to rake tasks. You can use "after :task do ... end" and "bef...
231,51761,367ginstGINST is the new integration system
332,59141,086themigratorThe migrator is a program that eases and automates data migrations.
433,01816,657nested_hashFor example a hash like { "properties.age" => 3 } will be converted into { "properties"...
533,36561,367ss2jsonConvert SpreadSheet documents to json following some conventions.
642,04161,367scalariumAccess your scalarium clouds from console
757,66361,367rffwA simple program that listen at port 80 for uploads, and save the uploaded files to disk
869,51661,367dispatch_queueLittle gem to enqueue jobs the easy way
969,64533,893dynalockdynalock is a distributed lock that uses Amazon Web Service Dynamod DB
1073,48361,367git-changesIt taks the output from git-log, parses it, and output with the standard format of chan...
1174,27161,367extract_filesTired of generating big builds for the cdn? Just want to know wich files your designers...
1274,37661,367rake-deployCreate some conventions and a deploy system using just rake
1393,26961,367rgithookRuby gem specify for git hooks.
14101,30733,893monitor_managerMonitor Manager
15102,37661,367speed-testInternet speed test for home ussage
16102,86661,367ubuntu_amisUbuntu Ami list
17103,15961,367stderr_loggerSimple logger that add info debug and error to Object and always output to STDERR
18125,40361,367git-inside-branchIt set GIT_DIR, GIT_WORK_TREE and GIT_INDEX_FILE and checkout temporarily in a temp dir...
19126,50061,367rack_environmentRack environment is a rails plugins that lets you define some environments and add some...
20127,98761,367spritopiaMaybe some day it can, but not for the moment
21135,36161,367smile_me_pleaseUseful to put in the prompt of a shell.
22136,30261,367highline_wizardInteractive array based wizzard bassed in highline