Mrkamel's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,3123,830search_copSearch engine like fulltext query support for ActiveRecord
29,2035,794search_flipFull-Featured Elasticsearch Ruby Client with a Chainable DSL
317,33425,716swift_clientSmall but powerful client to interact with OpenStack Swift
421,58741,086tempfile_forCreate temporary files for in-memory data
533,49641,086redstreamUsing redis streams to keep your primary database in sync with secondary datastores
633,59361,367attachieDeclarative and flexible attachments
734,59015,549oauth2_api_clientSmall but powerful client around oauth2 and http-rb to interact with APIs
836,22261,367stalkingAsynchronous job processing using the beanstalkd queue server with automatic reconnects...
941,40541,086attr_searchable[DEPRECATION] 'attr_searchable' is deprecated. Migrate to 'search_cop' instead.
1043,73561,367distributed_jobKeep track of distributed jobs spanning multiple workers using redis
1145,13621,627map-reduce-rubyThe MapReduce gem is the easiest way to write custom, distributed, larger than memory m...
1245,14261,367redlockerAcquire and keep distributed locks alive using redis
1359,09033,893translitterSimple transliteration of special characters
1462,39561,367krapsKraps allows to process and perform calculations on very large datasets in parallel
1566,40261,367spreadshirt_clientCommunicate with the spreadshirt API using a DSL similar to the one of RestClient
1677,51629,456run_after_commitRun code in an ActiveRecord model after it is committed
1792,99041,086test-unit-aroundUse around instead or in combination with test/unit's setup and teardown methods
1898,72541,086increment_with_sqlProvides increment_with_sql! and decrement_with_sql! for ActiveRecord models
1999,08061,367rocksdb-ffiRocksDB for ruby using FFI
20103,86361,367bbqueueQueue and process ruby job objects in the background
21114,98461,367timestamp_uuidUUID V4 compliant timestamp uuid where also the string representation is correctly sort...
22138,26961,367stalker_testEasily test the stalker jobs you enqueue.
23171,07961,367cassandra_storePowerful ORM for Cassandra