Razum2um's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,7505,561rails-session_cookieHelps to get proper integration tests run faster
217,08311,504lurkerThe new de-facto for API testing your Rails application
318,1758,513advanced-sneakers-activejobAdvanced Sneakers adapter for ActiveJob
434,90361,367safe_monkeypatchChecksums method source and raises if upstream has changed.
575,50425,716params_treeTurns listed tree to nested hash
682,92961,367webpacker-remoteUse your webpack builds independently
787,33361,367vcr-xmlEasier SOAP with VCR
888,17061,367dead_code_terminatorStatically remove dead conditional branches, acts like webpack's DefinePlugin and minifier
9102,00729,456pg_exec_array_paramsEscape each array element inside PG::Connection#exec_params properly
10104,73661,367resque-kalashnikovHandles your HTTP requests in background in non-blocking way using Resque worker
11123,15341,086multi_schemaAllows you to switch over the postgres schemas in runtime inside ruby/rails
12146,68661,367includes_manyActiveRecord has_many + includes(:relation) on steroids
13147,21261,367chewy_resqueResque integration for chewy and resque