Komidore64's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
127,46461,367hammer_cli_csvHammer-CLI-CSV is a plugin for Hammer to provide bulk actions against a Katello server.
244,68941,086katello_apiHelps you to use Katello's API calls from your app
390,18161,367hammer_cli_samHammer-CLI-SAM is a Hammer module which provides connectivity to a SAM server.
4101,21461,367easy_diceGem for rolling polyhedral dice.
5110,84461,367hammer_cli_consoleHammer-CLI-Console is a plugin to hammer which provides a REPL feature to the Hammer en...
6112,83261,367hammer_cli_gutterballHammer-CLI-Gutterball is a Hammer module which provides additional functionality for us...
7132,53733,893lib_discordUnfancy Discord API Ruby-bindings
8141,77361,367temjinTemjin provides a command interface to Trello.
9153,54861,367foreman_adminForeman-admin is a command line tool for carrying out a few administrative actions ...
10178,57661,367dcommManage your Discord application commands from the command line.