Diego_pixelhead's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
127,60235,920presenter_objectUseful for wrapping model objects with presentation methods.
232,89042,025assigns_has_many_through_relationsRails Engine that provides a management UI to assign models to each other
335,0824,696accepts_nested_serialized_attributesA tiny hack for Rails to make Model#as_json(include: :association) return a hash with a...
437,15742,025action_cable_subscription_adapterImplements a SubscriptionAdapter for ActionCable which uses a configurable Redis client.
540,88786,038go_easy_btnHook up easy button via USB serial port and trigger shell commands
647,46686,038def_retryAllows you to define methods that will retry on exception or declare blocks of code wit...
768,62528,793harlem_bitsIt's the Harlem Shake. In Ruby. In the terminal.
880,13931,663make_dirs_from_listQuick command to create a directory structure given a list of dir names
987,28286,038RedditPostClassifierBotThis gem wraps Ruby's nbayes gem to do text classification of Reddit posts. It classifi...
1088,17786,038easy_exportExport ActiveModels to CSV by declaring headers and fields in your model with the `expo...
1198,13586,038evil_pdfGenerate a PDF from an array of URLs
12102,74628,793httmultipartymagicHTTMultiParty is a thin wrapper around HTTParty to provide multipart uploads.
13104,37286,038ror-rubycas-serverProvides single sign-on authentication for web applications using the CAS protocol. Mod...
14108,78186,038engine_migration_initializerAllows a Rails engine's migrations to be loaded by the host app rather than having to c...
15109,46186,038validates_associated_bubblingEachValidator that adds a parent model's association's validation errors to the parent ...
16109,82686,038strong_parameters_dslProvides a light DSL for defining strong parameters in Rails controllers
17124,71386,038monkey_stringAdds neat methods to String
18136,65186,038color_adjusterDrop this module in a model that has a color attribute and be able to adjust the color.
19141,17186,038forced_file_from_urlTiny hack to convert StringIO objects into Tempfile when using OpenURI to open files le...
20147,25086,038store_current_userA simple wrapper over RequestStore to provide a controller filter to store the current ...
21149,67042,025hash_as_hidden_fieldsExtracted hash helper code from KipuRecords.
22150,22442,025airbrake_user_attributes_rails5Adds information about the current user to error reports
23150,80253,556kipu_translationsKipu's en.yml file. Shared with KTB
24152,10853,556kwipperKwipper is the reference example app for the Kwipper Programming Challenge to build an ...
25154,43086,038airbrakeV4rails5Send your application errors to our hosted service and reclaim your inbox.
26155,60586,038simple_scopellows you to define magic `scope`s on an ActiveRecord model without having to provide `...