1 | 92,753 | 51,220 | bazarvoice | This adds bazarvoice support to your Rails application
including single sign-on. |
2 | 102,466 | 51,220 | youtube_dl | Youtube video downloader |
3 | 108,570 | 51,220 | uranium-rails | uranium-rails is rails implementation of uranium JS which is a simple, lightweight Java... |
4 | 114,831 | 51,220 | sms-gateway-hub | MSGatewayHub is rails wrapper for smsgatewayhub.com |
5 | 115,135 | 51,220 | sapna_gale_test_auth_devise | Provides authentication and authorization services for use with sapna_gale_test by usin... |
6 | 134,219 | 51,220 | gambas_image | Inline PDF templates that use prawn. |
7 | 134,479 | 51,220 | solidus_product_bundle | Adds oportunity to make bundle of products to your Spree store |
8 | 141,808 | 51,220 | websolr-sunspot4heroku | websolr with geocoding for heroku |
9 | 142,121 | 51,220 | sapna_gale_test_core | Essential models, mailers, and classes for the Sapna gale test e-commerce project. |
10 | 142,432 | 51,220 | sapna_gale_test_backend | Admin interface for the Sapna gale test e-commerce framework. |
11 | 142,522 | 51,220 | sapna_gale_test_api | REST API for the Sapna gale test e-commerce framework. |
12 | 142,966 | 51,220 | sapna_gale_test_frontend | Cart and storefront for the Sapna gale test e-commerce project. |
13 | 150,751 | 51,220 | messaging_4 | Messaging allows you to put have messaigng support in a rails or refinery application. |
14 | 160,033 | 51,220 | sapna_gale_test | sapna gale test is an open source e-commerce framework for Ruby on Rails. |