Odedniv's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,2162,414generate_methodAllow your gem users to override your generated methods nicely.
25,0292,895rebase_attrOverride attribute readers and writers with base encoders.
35,0873,853unique_byAllows uniqueness of a record when sharding (specifying the shard ID as the group) or s...
45,1603,274yinumYummy implementation of enum that gives integer values with a special wrapping.
533,4025,383rspec-hash_matchersRSpec extension to better match hashes.
646,71249,180rspec-document_requestsUse this gem to document your API with your specs.
768,66749,180activerecord-database_validationsUse database validations and convert ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid into ActiveRecord::...
887,19049,180nil_orDelegates methods to the object or returns nil.
9122,06449,180activemodel-errors-treeBuilds a tree of errors instead of the 1-dimension one generated by ActiveMode::Base#er...